Wednesday 24 June 2015

PRICELESS Roman MOSIACS in Turkey botched on restoration

Restoration work on a series of Roman mosaics in Turkey dating from the 2nd century to the 6th century has gone horribly wrong thanks to a botched repair job at the Hatay Archaeological Museum in the southern city of Antakya.

. “Valuable pieces from the Roman period have been ruined, they have become caricatures of their former selves.”

Before and after photos taken by Daskapan show the extent of the damage. Some of the mosaic stones have been replaced with stones of different shapes and colors. Consequently, the facial expressions now appear awry and skewed.

At least ten artworks in the country’s second largest mosaic museum were affected.

Following the emergence of the scandal the Turkish Culture Ministry suspended all restoration work at the museum, and Mustafa Bozdemir, deputy director of the Culture Ministry’s Heritage and Museums department, announced an investigation into the damage.

Meanwhile, Daskapan expressed concern over the extent of the scandal “The new museum currently exhibits around 65 percent of its inventory,” he said, fearing that valuable panels in the museum’s storage may also have been affected.
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