Friday 19 June 2015


We have already seen in Part two that there is a ship hidden in the folds of the putto’s dress above.

But what comes as a surprise, but actually shouldn’t as the data is analyzed, is that THERE’S ANOTHER SHIP hidden in the folds of the putto, Margret’s dress:

The red oval is outlining the first ship, which is smaller, that was found in the putto Margret’s dress. The blue box encompasses the hull of the carrack that is found directly below the first smaller ship, with the orange arrow basically indicating the directional focus of this carrack’s hull. The green arrow is pouting to the distinctive cross hull  design of the carrack that we saw before.

The yellow box with the big yellow arrow is pointing to at least two Jewish stars, six pointed. The compass on the top of the calipers Melencolia holds indicates the direction that these two ships are heading for-again EAST, from whence the Duerer family ancestors came from.

So what is really going on here?

We need to remember that Margret was a TWIN,the second of the two girl twins born Jan 20, 1476, and that the first twin girl was named Agnes I.  According to the Nuremberg death registries, Agnes died in childhood, which is why a later girl child born was called Agnes II.

Albrecht could never leave out a reference to his other twin sister, Agnes or the fact that these two siblings were twins. So he puts the BIG ship directly below the small ship, indicating that Margret had lived into adulthood, dying during the creation of this composition but also giving reference to Agnes I.

The two Jewish stars above the bigger ship and on the side of the smaller ship, are indications that his twin sisters were crypto-Jews, as was the whole family.

Where will we find the next ship?

For more details please visit here

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